Svyatoslav Gryaznov

Website: (work in progress, will be updated soon)
Link to CV: (backup:
Level: PhD, Internship
Keywords: TCS,PhD,combinatorics,proof theory,circuit complexity
Short bio / research interests / publications: I am a PhD student at PDMI RAS primarily interested in TCS and combinatorics. My latest research was devoted to proof systems–in particular, Res-Lin proof system over finite fields and related computational models extending branching programs–and circuit complexity–one of the last paper (joint work) explores Valiant’s program posing a combinatorial hypergraph-related problem. The latter work also involves a few problems related to extremal graph theory, which seem to be interesting on their own. Overall, my research interests include algebraic proof systems, Boolean function complexity (in particular, progress towards strong AC0-Xor lower bounds), extremal combinatorics. See CV or for a list of publications related to TCS.